Tom’s Holiday Gifts 2011

Viewer Project - By Tom Pritchard from Madison, Indiana
Added on November 19, 2012

These were my holiday gifts for 2011. I believe they made the hit parade with everyone! The unpainted objects you see are for future gifts, that is if my wife will let me give them away. The large cat carving in the background of one of the pictures is not mine. The height of these range from 2″ tall up to 6″.

I also included a couple other previous carvings. I enjoy carving as well as other types of woodworking. My shop size is a small, a 16’x 16′ converted shed. No electric service except running a couple heavy duty extension cords from the house. One for my lights, TV and radio and one cord to run my power tools. I have to make sure that I don’t turn two things on at the same time. I have to turn off my heater when I run a tool. But that does not discourage me, I know someday I will connect service to my panel. The main tool I have is a “Shopsmith” Mark V. It seems to be more of a hobby type tool, but it has served me well. I have used it for building my kitchen cabinets and many other furniture projects around the house.


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