Multi-Use Tablesaw Jig

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Added on February 5, 2009

I was in the chat room recently when FLWoodRat (AKA Bruce Somers) posted his multi-use tablesaw jig. I thought it was a great concept, and one that could be built upon for a woodworkers individual needs. Here’s what Bruce had to say about it:

This jig can be built to any size and out of any materials you have sitting around the shop. Be creative and personalize it with some special wood. I used some scrap TEAK for the right hand push block. The face of my jig is approximately 10 inches tall and 19 inches long. The back risers and base are approximately 6 inches wide. The gap between the base and the runner is sized to span my TS Fence with zero clearance.

Bruce has adapted the jig for cutting tenons, raised panels, and even splines. Seems like the jig is living up to its name. For a more detailed review of the jig and its construction and use, feel free to download Bruces original PowerPoint file: Multi-Use Tablesaw Jig. I am curious what things you guys might do with this jig to make it even more versatile.


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