Scott’s Basement – Shop Tour

Shop Tour -
Added on February 4, 2009

Walking through the shop taking pics for a shop tour submission, I ended taking some video and threw them together as a quick shop tour. In the video I misspeak a couple of times and miss some details so I will include some of these details and corrections. The basic dimensions of the shop are 12’x24′. Power for the shop is a 30 Amp 220V (in the video I misspeak and say 30 Amp 220 Amp) this handles all the power for the shop except for lighting which is run from the main circuit box. Lighting is five 4′ fluorescent fixtures.

For dust collection I have a Harbor Freight ‘2HP’ dust collector and a box fan that I tape furnace filters on as a air cleaner.
I use flexible 4″ hose run one at a time to each machine, I hope sometime in the future to find a way to run some 5″ dedicated lines around the shop but the low ceilings are a problem with clearance.

The large tools in the shop are:
Craftsman Hybrid 10″ table saw
Harbor Freight 14″ band saw
Harbor Freight 12″x36″ lathe
Craftsman 12″ drill press
Dewalt 12″ chop saw
Harbor Freight mortising machine
Delta 12 1/2″ Planer (called it a 12″ in the video)
General International 6″ jointer.

I also have a fairly full complement of Craftsman, Makita, Milwaukee, and Porter Cable, power hand tools. As well as a smattering of older/cheaper hand tools.

My workbench is about 8 years old and needed some shoring up and I am always looking for add more storage to the shop, so I recently added some pegboard and some 1/4″ ply to the back to stiffen the frame up some. This lets me add places for extension cords, drills, air guns, etc…. On the back of the bench I have put my chisels and layout tools, we will see how well things stay there with me hammering on the bench.

Heating during the winter is handled by a kerosine heater and a couple of electric heaters. I will generally use the kerosine heater to get the shop up to a comfortable temp then rely on the electric heaters to maintain the temp. Cooling in the summer is shorts and a couple more box fans.


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